Well done to everyone who took part in last night's race (the longest race of the series).
And a big thanks to Jim for taking over the role of starter/timekeeper/horse trainer.
The results can now be found at https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0Ai3HZb5NT8NXdE14MHpXM0hkcE9jRUxqXzZ4R2oxQmc&hl=en&single=true&gid=2&output=html
As per usual these are provisional at this stage, please email us if you have any queries or we have made any mistakes.
Please note that,due to the cuddy,some runners had their start times delayed so start times and handicaps may be slightly out. We have tried to adjust all times, however, to give an accurate "actual" time.
Next race is next week at Longniddry. Meet at the train station car park.